Welcome to Munich
Dear friends and colleagues,
Paediatric Neurology is a leading discipline. Combining the fascination for the child and the childs’ brain, it is located in the center of medicine, science and the understanding of human development. Paediatric Neurology is opening new horizons for acute and chronic health conditions. Leaps of innovation are taking place for methods, medications, interventions and brain research. Right now Paediatric Neurology transfers its’ visionary future to the children with neurological complexity.
For the 2025 EPNS Munich Congress we classify our field into A for acute, B for Brain, Health & Science and C for Chronic. We are building our own alphabet of research and care taking: dedicated to the children, equipped for the extending variety of neuropaediatric diseases, stimulating and integrating science.
In 2025, be part of this unique ABC format to learn, teach (and be tought), meet and exchange ideas on an international stage.
Professor Florian Heinen
On behalf of the Local organising team
Gain more information at https://epns-congress.com